Monday, January 11, 2010

At the Beginning: Internship Day One

It begins. Today was Day One of the my internship at the University Archives. The good news is that I love it already and have not made a very expensive mistake attending SLIS.

My charge
this semester is to process the Richard Mercer Dorson papers.

Richard Mercer Dorson (1916–1981) was an American folklorist, author, professor, and director of the Folklore Institute at Indiana University. Dorson is considered one of the fathers of American folklore. The terms "urban legend" and "fakelore" were popularized by Dorson. He was an accomplished scholar writing several books and over 200 articles. Dorson also championed the role of the oral tradition in the field of folklore.

So far the material is interesting and I'm looking forward to further exploring the collection.

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