Sunday, March 7, 2010

SAA-SC Conference

This Saturday was the SAA-SC "Change and Continuity". I have to say it was quite the success! We had presenters from 8 different institutions and attendees from all across the country. The SAA-SC Conference Committee did an excellent job of putting the conference together (thanks everyone!).

The presentations were, I thought, extremely interesting. Presenters talked about on the job experiences, the LOC and Smithsonian Flickr projects, digitization, and the preservation of culture in archives. There was a great variety of topics and all were incredibly relevant to our profession. The conference also included a behind-the-scenes tour of the Lilly Library and a presentation/workshop by Professor Philip Bantin. This was SAA's first conference with this group of officers and members and I think it was a great success. Hope SAA continues to host this conference!

Side note: I also presented at this conference. My topic was DSpace. I didn't do as well as I hoped. My presentation ran long and you could certainly tell from the wobbles in my voice that I was nervous. As glad as I'm that it is over, I'm glad I did it. Perhaps I'll get better with more practice.

Congrats to my fellow presenters who all did a great job!!

Photo courtesy of Bethany Fiechter


  1. Thank you for linking me :) I thought you did an awesome job on your presentation! We just did not have enough time for all of us to speak about our topics!

    I hope we do this again as well. It was a really great learning experience for everyone and I loved having others come to our campus to see what we do :)

  2. You all did a fabulous job! I agree with Bethany, there just wasn't enough time for all 3 speakers. I hope the other attendees enjoyed the conference as much as I did.

    P.S.: The Archives has a DSpace instance as well! The Archives of Institutional Memory (AIM):

  3. I agree that the conference was a great success. Congratulations to all who organized it and gave papers. Phil
